“It’s been so long since I've updated my CV.”

Why you should get your CV professionally written.

· Why engage a CV writer

Is your CV buried in the darkest and deepest corners of your folders with a "last modified" time stamp from years ago? The thought of dusting off your old CV to initiate your job search process after a long time, can feel like a daunting task. If we must guess, here are some of the reasons that might be bothering you:


"Tonnes of achievements. But I can't remember them."

You’ve gained a sheer volume of experience over the years. But you’ve just been focusing on doing and achieving and not keeping tabs on your merits. Right now, you are having a hard time recalling your accomplishments. Not to mention condensing your years of professional growth into a concise CV format without overwhelming the reader is another writing challenge of its own.


"How does the job market look like now? Are my skills still relevant?"

As the job market evolves, new skills become essential. How do you identify which of your acquired skills are still relevant? How do you highlight them effectively on your CV to stay competitive in the current job market?


"How will employers perceive my career break?"

For those re-entering the workforce, addressing employment gaps convincingly and framing the time away positively in the CV are some of the most challenging aspects to write. The uncertainty lies in how potential employers will perceive the break and the possible negative assumptions they may make regarding your hiatus from the workforce.


In situations like these, wouldn't you appreciate having a sounding board to help you articulate your credentials effectively?

For those who have not updated their CV in a long time, seeking professional writing assistance can be highly beneficial. Our WickedCV services encompass a personalised 1:1 consultation, where we take the time to understand your unique qualities before distilling your experience through the craft of a compelling career pitch to unlock your full potential in the job market. Contact us to learn more about our CV and personal branding services today.


Why you should get your CV professionally written: