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“I’m not good at humble bragging.”

Why you should get your CV professionally written.

May 21, 2023

"Am I adequately conveying my credentials, or am I bragging too much?"

It's not easy to write about yourself. Because we worry about how others see us.

That’s why some say that the easiest job out there is that of a critic. It’s the difference between being a spectator watching the game and an athlete playing the game.

Not to say that we CV writers have an easy job, but we probably have an easier one than yours when it comes to writing about you.


Humility gets in the way.

In our experience as CV writers, we’ve found that most people are humble and modest. But the downside is that they tend to underestimate their talents and downplay their achievements. Some don’t even perceive their accomplishments as such.

Because they are just too close to it, they don’t see their own merit. It could also be a sign of an overachiever personality.

So that’s when it helps to have a third party come in and coax that kind of information out of them and help them see their own successes, which in a way, also serves as a confidence booster.


Get an objective perspective on your CV.

The way we see it, most professionals are more than capable of writing their own CVs and profiles. But they seek the services of CV writers for a level of objectivity on how well they have marketed their talents, knowledge, and abilities to the needs of their potential employer.


Is your CV reading like a long, boring thesis paper?

One of the most common problems we have noticed is that people often confuse their “achievements” with duties, responsibilities, and other run-of-the-mill tasks. The lack of challenge, action, and results statements makes their CVs read like vanilla job descriptions.
We also see many candidates suffering from FOMO (the fear of missing out) as they try to list every detail of their career in their CVs, turning what should have been a marketing piece into a long, boring thesis.


Do you resonate with these challenges? Feel free to reach out to WickedCV for CV advice and help.


Why you should get your CV professionally written: